Sunday, May 12, 2019

The Valley of the Kings

By Seif Kamel

The Valley of the Kings is one of the distinctive monuments of Luxor in Egypt. Situated in the West Bank, or the City of the Dead, as the ancient Egyptians called it, the valley hosts the tombs of kings from the 18 th till the 2oth dynasties.

There are 62 tombs which were discovered in the Valley of the Kings until today. They are all featured with their marvelous decorations and bright colors as if they were dig a few days ago. The first King to be buried in the Valley of the Kings was Tuthmosis I in around 1500 BC and then in a long period of history to come, more than 60 other tombs were dug in the Valley of the Kings.

The most remarkable tombs in the Valley of the Kings include the tombs of the famous young King Tut Ankh Amun. This is the only tomb which was intact when discovered by Howard Carter in 1922 as the most important archeological discovery of the century. A visit to the Valley of the Kings is included in several travel packages to Egypt.

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